31 Interesting and Random Facts About Uruguay That No One Knows !

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Uruguay is a small yet fascinating country in South America. It has beautiful beaches, a rich history, and many unique traditions. There are plenty of interesting facts about Uruguay that most people don’t know. Here are 31 fun facts about this wonderful country.

Interesting Facts About Uruguay

31 Interesting Facts About Uruguay

#1. Uruguay is the second smallest country in South America. It is only bigger than Suriname.

#2. The country has more cows than people. There are about 3.5 cows for every person in Uruguay!

#3. Uruguay has a 100% renewable electricity supply. The country uses wind, solar, and hydro energy.

#4. Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, is the southernmost capital in the Americas. It is even further south than Buenos Aires, Argentina.

#5. The country is known for its love of mate. People drink this herbal tea daily, often carrying a thermos everywhere.

#6. Uruguay was the first country in South America to legalize same-sex marriage. This happened in 2013.

#7. The national dish of Uruguay is "asado." It is a type of barbecue made with different cuts of meat.

#8. Uruguay has won the FIFA World Cup twice. The country won in 1930 and 1950.

#9. The first-ever FIFA World Cup was held in Uruguay. It took place in 1930, and Uruguay was the champion.

#10. The country's flag has a sun with a smiling face. It is called the "Sun of May."

#11. Uruguayans love football. The sport is a big part of the country’s culture.

#12. Punta del Este is one of the most luxurious beach resorts in South America. It is often called the "Monaco of South America."

#13. Uruguay has a very high literacy rate. Almost 98% of the population can read and write.

#14. The country has one of the lowest corruption rates in Latin America. It is known for its strong democratic values.

#15. The former president, José Mujica, was called "the world’s poorest president." He donated most of his salary to charity and lived on a small farm.

#16. Uruguay is the only country in Latin America where abortion is fully legal. It was legalized in 2012.

#17. The country has an official drink. It is called "grappamiel," a mix of alcohol and honey.

#18. The national anthem of Uruguay is one of the longest in the world. It lasts more than five minutes!

#19. Uruguay has no official religion. The country is highly secular, and church and state are separate.

#20. The country celebrates a holiday called "Nostalgia Night." On this night, people listen to old music and dance.

#21. Uruguay is known for its amazing beef. It is one of the top beef exporters in the world.

#22. The country has a tradition of eating gnocchi on the 29th of every month. This tradition comes from Italian immigrants.

#23. Uruguayans love tango music. The dance is popular, just like in Argentina.

#24. The country has a very relaxed lifestyle. People value spending time with family and enjoying life.

#25. There is a small town in Uruguay called "Villa Epecuén" that was once submerged underwater. It has now re-emerged and is a ghost town.

#26. Uruguay has one of the best qualities of life in Latin America. It ranks high in safety and healthcare.

#27. The country is known for its long coastline. There are over 400 miles (650 km) of beaches.

#28. Uruguay has an unusual law that requires radio stations to play Uruguayan music. This ensures local artists get recognition.

#29. The country’s government provides free laptops to schoolchildren. This is part of an education program called "Plan Ceibal."

#30. Uruguay is home to the longest carnival in the world. It lasts for about 40 days!

#31. The country has a unique dessert called "chajá." It is made of sponge cake, meringue, and cream.

Uruguay may be a small country, but it has a rich culture and many interesting facts to know about. From its love for football to its beaches, there’s a lot to know about this country of South America.

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